
Utilities for setting the height of an element.

React propsCSS Properties
h={size}height: {size};


Use h="auto" to let the browser calculate and select the height for the element. You can use it to unset a specific height:

<x.div h={{ xs: 24, md: 'auto' }} />

Screen Height

Use h="100vh" to make an element span the entire height of the viewport.

<x.div h="100vh" w={12} />

Scaled Height

All values specified in the sizes theme section are automatically applied. Note there is a little difference for scales between 0 and 1 due to conflicting with fluid range. You have to add a suffix s to target values from theme, like 0.5 becomes 0.5s and 1 becomes 1s.

<x.div> <x.div h="1s" /> <x.div h={8} /> <x.div h={12} /> <x.div h={16} /> <x.div h={24} /> </x.div>

Fixed Height

Any valid value is accepted in height, numbers are converted to px, other units have to be specified.

<x.div> <x.div h={123} /> <x.div h="12px" /> <x.div h="4rem" /> <x.div h="3ex" /> </x.div>

Fluid Height

Values from 0 to 1 are converted into percentages. As a fraction or a number, both are an expression. Of course specifying [value]% is also possible.

<x.div display="flex" h={48}> <x.div h={1 / 2}>h=1/2</x.div> <x.div h={1 / 2}>h=1/2</x.div> </x.div> <x.div display="flex" h={48}> <x.div h={2 / 5}>h=2/5</x.div> <x.div h={3 / 5}>h=3/5</x.div> </x.div> <x.div display="flex" h={48}> <x.div h={0.2}>h=0.2</x.div> <x.div h={0.8}>h=0.8</x.div> </x.div> <x.div display="flex" h={48}> <x.div h="calc(50% - 40px)">h=calc(50% - 40px)</x.div> <x.div h="calc(50% + 40px)">h=calc(50% + 40px)</x.div> </x.div>


To control the margin of an element at a specific breakpoint, use responsive object notation. For example, adding the property h={{ md: 1 }} to an element would apply the w={1} utility at medium screen sizes and above.

<x.div h={{ xs: 1 / 2, md: 1 }} />

For more information about xstyled's responsive design features, check out Responsive Design documentation.


Sizes scale

f you'd like to customize your values for width, height, min-width, min-height, max-width, max-height, all at once, use the theme.sizes section of your theme.

// theme.js export const theme = { sizes: { + sm: '8px', + md: '16px', + lg: '24px', + xl: '48px', }, }

Learn more about customizing the default theme in the theme customization documentation.

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