Utilities for controlling the display box type of an element.
React props | CSS Properties |
display={keyword} | display: {keyword}; |
Use display="block"
to create a block-level element.
<x.div spaceY={4}> <x.span display="block">1</x.span> <x.span display="block">2</x.span> <x.span display="block">3</x.span> </x.div>
Use display="flow-root"
to create a block-level element with its own block formatting context.
<x.div spaceY={4}> <x.div display="flow-root"> <x.div my={4}>1</x.div> </x.div> <x.div display="flow-root"> <x.div my={4}>2</x.div> </x.div> </x.div>
Inline Block
Use display="inline-block"
to create an inline block-level element.
<x.div spaceX={4}> <x.div display="inline-block">1</x.div> <x.div display="inline-block">2</x.div> <x.div display="inline-block">3</x.div> </x.div>
Use display="inline"
to create an inline element.
<x.div spaceX={4}> <x.div display="inline">1</x.div> <x.div display="inline">2</x.div> <x.div display="inline">3</x.div> </x.div>
Use display="flex"
to create a block-level flex container.
<x.div display="flex" spaceX={4}> <x.div flex="1 1 0">1</x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">2</x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">3</x.div> </x.div>
Inline Flex
Use display="inline-flex"
to create an inline flex container.
<x.div display="inline-flex" spaceX={4}> <x.div flex="1 1 0">1</x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">2</x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">3</x.div> </x.div>
Use display="grid"
to create a grid container.
<x.div display="grid" gap={4} gridTemplateColumns={3}> {/* ... */} </x.div>
Inline Grid
Use display="inline-grid"
to create an inline grid container.
<x.div display="inline-grid" gap={4} gridTemplateColumns={3}> <span>1</span> <span>1</span> <span>1</span> </x.div> <x.div display="inline-grid" gap={4} gridTemplateColumns={3}> <span>2</span> <span>2</span> <span>2</span> </x.div>
Use display="contents"
to create a "phantom" container whose children act like direct children of the parent.
<x.div display="flex"> <x.div flex="1 1 0">1</x.div> <x.div display="contents"> <x.div flex="1 1 0">2</x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">3</x.div> </x.div> <x.div flex="1 1 0">4</x.div> </x.div>
Use display="table"
, display="table-caption"
, display="table-cell"
, display="table-column"
, display="table-column-group"
, display="table-footer-group"
, display="table-header-group"
, display="table-row-group"
and display="table-row"
utilities to create elements that behave like their respective table elements.
<x.div display="table" w="100%"> <x.div display="table-row-group"> <x.div display="table-row"> <x.div display="table-cell">A cell with more content</x.div> <x.div display="table-cell">Cell 2</x.div> <x.div display="table-cell">Cell 3</x.div> </x.div> <x.div display="table-row"> <x.div display="table-cell">Cell 4</x.div> <x.div display="table-cell">A cell with more content</x.div> <x.div display="table-cell">Cell 6</x.div> </x.div> </x.div> </x.div>
Use display="none"
to set an element to display: none
and remove it from the page layout (compare with visibility="hidden"
from the visibility documentation).
<x.div display="flex"> <x.div display="none">1</x.div> <x.div>2</x.div> <x.div>3</x.div> </x.div>
To control the display property of an element at a specific breakpoint, use responsive object notation. For example, adding the property display={{ md: "none" }}
to an element would apply the display="none"
utility at medium screen sizes and above.
<x.div display={{ md: 'none' }} />
For more information about xstyled's responsive design features, check out Responsive Design documentation.
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